Circus Workshop Network - Professional Circus Skills Workshop Providers

Do you Want A Clown, A Juggling Teacher, Or to learn the Flying Trapeze

Not all Circus Skills Teachers are the Same.

There is no such thing as 'circus skills teacher school', so circus skills teachers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and while we endeavor to help you find a circus skills teacher who is closer to you, we also want you to find a circus skills teacher who fits what you're looking for.

People come into circus skills from a variety of areas, from childrens entertainers, actors, juggling and other circus arts, and even ... strangely enough, teachers. So you need to make sure that the circus skills teacher you're hiring fits what you're looking for.

Childrens entertainers might be very entertaining, but not as technically adept as professional jugglers. Some of the most amazing jugglers aren't that interested in teaching. And just to take it full circle, we've all experienced teachers who were not that entertaining.

Of course, this is not to say that childrens entertainers can't be technically adept, that professional jugglers and trapeze artists can't teach, or that all teachers are boring.

So What Should you look for in your Circus Skills Workshop Provider

Circus Skills for Young Children

Generally speaking, if you're looking for a circus workshop for young children (under 7), then it's best to hire someone who can entertain them as much as teach them, as the childrens ability level and attention span will generally be that little bit lower than for older children. In this case you might consider looking for a childrens entertainer who offers circus workshops, or a teacher who is used to working with small children might be appropriate.

There have been a lot of studies which show how learning juggling and circus skills helps to improve childrens general development, and if you're coming from this angle, then it's important to ensure that the children are learning, and not just being entertained.

CIrcus Skills Workshops for Older Children, Young Adults and Corporate Events

For older children, and corporate events, you're generally better off getting someone with a higher technical ability, to ensure you get more 'wow' factor. So you might be advised to look for someone who is more technically competent, and a professional circus performer who also teaches would be preferable. The type of event your holding will dictate how much you want them to be able to 'wow' everyone, as opposed to how much you want them to be able to teach everyone how they're doing the 'wowing'.

Circus Skills Workshops for Fetes, Festivals, and Carnivals

For fetes, festivals, and carnivals, you're going to get all kinds of people, so you'll be looking for a general all rounder, but bear in mind that what appeals to small children (i.e. clowns) can be the last thing that older children and younger adults will want to interact with, as they can sometimes see it as being 'too childish'.

These are of course, only general guidelines, and your mileage may vary, but we hope that gives you some general ideas while you're searching for your circus skills workshop provider.





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